Become a hero for your loved ones

Getting the important stuff ready in case something happens to you.

The advantages we offer

Bring order to the chaos

  • Which contracts should be terminated?
  • How do I access the photos on my computer or phone?

Make life easier for your loved ones by eliminating the need for them to make decisions for you

  • Burial or cremation?
  • What will happen to my Facebook account?

Keep relations cordial within the family

  • Who will inherit the car?
  • Should a half-brother be invited to the funeral?

Organise support in tough times

  • What needs to be done when someone passes away?
  • How do inheritances work?

How can tooyoo pave the way for you to become a hero?

tooyoo gives you the toolkit for planning your personal arrangements and helping your loved one through difficult times.

Use our 30-day free trial on tooyoo to plan your personal arrangements!

For you, for them

tooyoo is like a coin: it has two sides. It helps you plan your personal arrangements, and it is there for your loved ones, offering them support in their time of need. You yourself decide to whom you would like to make your personal planning file available. This is done by inviting trusted persons to become legacy contacts.

Like a hero

Create a personal planning file on The personal planning file is a comprehensive questionnaire, built around five theme-based chapters, that will safely store answers to all the questions your loved ones might ask you:

  • Medical care
  • Digital inheritance
  • Funeral arrangements
  • Administration
  • Organising the inheritance

Use tooyoo’s online wizards and document templates to draft legally watertight documents for your personal life planning:

As legacy contacts

You are trusted by someone who wants to make their full personal details available to you. As a legacy contact, you can open a free account specially designed for you, enabling you access your loved one’s information.

You have access to a checklist that guides you step by step through the procedure to follow in the event of an emergency or death. Each stage contains the essential data entered by your loved one, so you don’t have to do the painstaking work yourself.

Our automatic cancellation-letter generator makes the paperwork less tedious in difficult times. Print and send pre-addressed cancellation letters containing the required attachments directly from your account.

Why tooyoo is the best solution for your personal life planning?

The flexibility offered by technology

Take advantage of the flexibility offered by online planning for you and your loved ones. With a tooyoo account, information is available in full, anytime, anywhere. It’s easy to make changes in our personal planning file, such as new passwords.

Data security

All data that you upload to tooyoo are encrypted from end to end and stored securely on a server in Switzerland. No one apart from yourself and your legacy contacts have access to your data. You also prevent information from going astray, for example during a house move.

Personalised support

Because even heroes sometimes need help, tooyoo is there for you and your loved ones. Thanks to our networks of business partners and expert advisors, we can also organise tailor-made assistance if required. Our team is on hand to support you via live chat, email or over the phone.

Use our 30-day free trial on tooyoo to plan your personal arrangements or those of a loved one!

Benefit from special conditions thanks to our partners

Swiss Mobiliar

Swiss Made Software hosted in Switzerland
Encrypted and secure connection
Best of Swiss Web

What the community says about tooyoo

Our duty is to comfort and support recently bereaved families. Tooyoo is an effective digital aid for families, providing them with all necessary information in a single location accessible by smartphone or computer. We recommend tooyoo as a practical administrative solution.

Sarah Joliat and Philippe Seidel, Léman funeral services, Vevey (Switzerland)

Let’s talk about death! tooyoo is the perfect new way to break through our inhibitions regarding this topic.

Bernard Crettaz, sociologist, founder of Cafés mortels

I have met with families that did not have any advance directives regarding the funeral preferences of the deceased nor any basic information on how to proceed with basic post-death procedures. Digitalising all the necessary information beforehand allows loved ones to respect the deceased individual's wishes in addition to making life easier for them during an emotionally difficult time.

Géraldine Juge, founder of Separate Ways

I was looking for the best solution to save my last wishes plus my access codes and passwords for various websites.

Charles-Albert C., tooyoo customer

I realised that I had to take my destiny into my own hands (organ donation and wills). I'm glad we met!

Liliane T., tooyoo customer